The Strategic Application of Blogging in the Current Digital Marketing Environment


Blogging can be considered as one of the significant elements of the digital marketing mix which offers brands an opportunity to inform the audience with useful information, involve them in the discussion, and attract their attention to a specific website. In light of the various advancements in the practice of digital marketing, blogging stands out as an instrument capable of boosting a brand’s image on the web and complements many marketing goals. This post shall critically analyse the use of blogging within the strategic management of current digital marketing operations and supply success stories in industries, blogging integration, trends in blogging, customer profiles and potential SEOS in blogging.

Industry Success Stories

Some brands have effectively incorporated blogging into their marketing mix as a primary activity. However, one can distinguish between inbound marketing and sales automation platforms, such as HubSpot. The examples of the blog posts include articles on marketing, sales, and customer service and are beneficial for readers offering them useful advice and tips. The blog has been useful in transforming HubSpot into a reference point in the industry hence attracting traffic and leads to their site.

One example of a Moz company that produces software related to search engine optimization is Moz. Moz’s blog includes articles and blog posts with detailed information regarding SEO practices, up-to-date updates and news, and examples and real-life case studies. The blog has been one of the main sources of information that digital marketers use to enhance their search engine optimization skills hence the reputation of Moz.

Integration of Blogging in Digital Marketing Strategies

Businesses of different fields have adopted blogging into their strategic marketing communication techniques to realize set objectives. For instance, Nike uses its blog to share great stories of the athletes and events, promote teasers of the production processes, and discuss social aspects that are related to sports and physical exercises. Besides advertising Nike’s shoes and apparel, this also reminds people of Nike’s brand attributes and relates with consumers on an emotional level.

Buffer, a social media management tool, mainly writes on its blog about social media marketing tips, case studies, & updates. Over time, the reader has come to trust Buffer which in turn has created a bond between the audience and the brand.

Current Digital Trends in Blogging

There are other trends affecting the digital blogging functionality of the brands. The first of these is the growth of multimedia content. Companies are now combining videos, images, and even podcasts to their blog for more visitor interaction and for offering a variety of formats. For instance, HubSpot usually adds videos and infographics within the blog section to address the audience’s learning styles and increase usability.

The second trend is that there is a shift towards user engagement promoted by folk media. Social objects like quizzes, polls or calculators can make the blog post more attractive and help readers stay longer on the given site. BuzzFeed is more of an embodiment of a brand that employs the use of full-fledged interactive content that enthrals the target audience as well as causes several shares on social media.

Customer Avatar for Blogging

Bloggers, to influence the target audience, the brands need to depict blogging customer persona efficiently. Organizations use customer avatars to illustrate the reader who is most likely to gain from and be enthusiastic about utilizing the blogging content. Key attributes of a customer avatar for blogging include:

               Demographics: Age, sex, place of living, employment status, financial status/ income.

               Psychographics: Self-interests, values, every day and work lifestyle, concerns, and objectives.

               Behaviour: Behaviour on the Internet, media preferences, social networks, purchasing behaviour.

For instance, a customer persona for a fitness blog is a 30-year-old woman, a professional, interested in health, a gym lover actively using social networks and looking for quick workouts because of her busy working schedule.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Opportunities

Blogging provides many opportunities to optimize the given brand and increase its organic traffic by improving its position in the search engine. Key SEO strategies for blogging include:

               Keyword Research: Carry out keyword research well to be in a position to get the right and well-visited keywords. Integrate these keywords into the actual blog titles, header and tag lines, as well as the blog post content to increase search engine ranking.

               On-Page SEO: For more on-page SEO incorporate the blog post meta titles and meta descriptions by the alt tags of the images posted. Make certain the blog post has a logical flow established by headings and subheadings, though it is not necessary to overdo it.

               Internal Linking: Apply internal linkages, these are links that guide the reader to other posts of the blog or other parts of the website. It makes it easier for search engines to crawl the site and that in turn enhances the usability of the site.

               Backlinking: Provide suitable content on the blog that other websites would need to link to as it is encouraged to do so. Links that come from other sites come with much more credibility than if one were to manually create links, and this is because backlinks from other sites can increase the site's search engine ranking.

Table 1: Key Metrics for Blog Performance


Blogging is still an integral part of digital marketing because it provides brands with a direct tool to deliver relevant content, interact with the audience, and guide this audience to the relevant websites. Looking at specific industries, adopting blogging into the marketing mix, following up on its trends, defining the customer avatar, and utilizing SEO potentialities will help increase blogging’s effectiveness. Thus, blogging will remain a key discipline in digital marketing as the environment progresses to newer phases with enhanced advancement.


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